Webshop Launch
It took a while, but we're online! A beautiful selection of our bags and pouches are now available online, soon to be followed by skirts, aprons, jewelry and other products. Keep checking in!
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Behind the scenes
The silent force behind our fundraising efforts. To who belong the nimble fingers that produce the beautiful crafts for which we are famous? Read more to find out.
About Talking Hands
Talking Hands supports deaf and hard of hearing people in Uganda. The foundation focuses on creating opportunities and integration for deaf and hard of hearing people in Ugandan society, for example by making education accessible. By supporting various projects with a holistic approach and collaborating with local partners, Talking Hands contributes to a better life for deaf and hard of hearing people in Uganda.

Talking Hands supports deaf and hard of hearing people in Uganda. The foundation focuses on creating opportunities for and integration of deaf and hard of hearing people in Ugandan society, for example by making education accessible. By supporting various projects with a holistic approach and collaborating with local partners, Talking Hands contributes to a better life for deaf and hard of hearing people in Uganda.

Talking Hands sells crafts handmade by deaf women in Uganda. The women are paid fairly for their work, and the profits also support other projects in Uganda. In the markets and online shop, you can find beautiful bags, wrap skirts, stuffed animals, jewelry, and much more!

We are always looking for new volunteers who want to help with the crafts sales at markets! You can also organize a charity event in your area independently, such as the sale of second-hand items or Ugandan crafts. Or ask for a donation to Talking Hands as a gift for your birthday or anniversary.

Talking Hands steunt dove en slechthorende mensen in Oeganda.

Webshop Launch

It took a while, but we made it: the Talking Hands webshop is alive and kicking. From the comfort of your office chair, while you’re

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Deaf craftswomen from our Ugandan partner organisation the New Hope.

Behind the scenes

We are proud to present Britah and Josephine: the highly skilled, deaf craftswomen from our Ugandan partner organization the New Hope.

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